A New Roadmap for a Resilient Recovery in Ukraine

September 4, 2024


By Nuha Eltinay

Senior Expert, Urban Resilience and Climate Adaptation - ICLEI Europe

Katherine Peinhardt

Senior Expert Communications - ICLEI Europe

As Ukrainian cities continue to face the simultaneous challenges of a changing climate and an ongoing war, the question arises: How can short-term recovery be balanced with long-term resilience? In recent years, ICLEI Europe has focused on giving Ukrainian cities a platform to speak about their experiences, while also laying out a roadmap for recovery.


Ukrainian Cities' Voice at the European Urban Resilience Forum



However, there remains a growing lack of a coordinated vision to plan and implement post-war recovery and sustainable development initiatives across regional and international partners in Ukraine. To address this, EURESFO 2024 Ukraine Special Edition has been planned based on a new ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap. This Roadmap includes 20 Ukrainian cities as it works to develop a mechanism for local and regional stakeholder engagement, break investments out of restrictive “silos,” and move towards more strategic and sustainable actions.


The outcomes of this process were shared with the EURESFO 2024 audience, which included potential investors and donor organisations to foster business models, improve access to capital, and advance public-private partnership economic behaviour, while maintaining the value, management, and utility of municipal services and resources for sustainable post-war recovery.


ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap Background



The Ukraine Roadmap forms an overarching framework for the ICLEI European Secretariat approach towards supporting Ukrainian cities in achieving their sustainability post-war recovery targets, while establishing the grounds towards realising the local context of war, governance decentralisation efforts, humanitarian response and energy security urgent needs, together with long-term opportunities for strategic Climate Neutrality, Adaptation and Resilient development in association with the European Green Deal (EU GD). Established in January 2024, the Roadmap activities were formed based on the monitoring of the current humanitarian situation in Ukraine -loss and damage associated with climate change hazards and vulnerabilities, and mapping of the existing initiatives and projects on the ground, to better understand the current context, what actions are taking place, by whom, where and what impact it is making on the ground. This helps better define the needs and priorities of Ukrainian cities and communities, and coordinate efforts between different actors through comprehensive urban recovery planning at the municipal, regional, and national levels.


The European Green Deal as driving force


The European Green Deal with its nine key topics: Preserving Biodiversity, Farm to Fork, Sustainable Agriculture, Clean Energy, Sustainable Industry, Buildings and Renovating, Sustainable Mobility, Eliminating Pollution and Climate action, comes as a driving force for formulating the structure and activities for this Roadmap. With the ambition for further development and promotion of the Local Green Deal (LGD) as an integrated sustainable urban development and transformation strategy for Ukrainian cities, the LGD will operate as a process for an ‘inside-out’ approach of mapping the existing initiatives and key stakeholders involved at the local level. This aims to define the main gaps in supply-led interventions, and help Ukrainian cities prioritise and best manage investments of European and International aid. Addressing the questions: Resilience of What and Resilience to What to direct financing towards enhancing their institutional capacities, advance human, physical, social and financial capital required to guide municipal services’ asset allocation, and into sustainable and resilient climate-adjusted long-term returns.


 The ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap is aimed at achieving the following objectives:


  1. To empower local self-government and multi-level decision-making, through providing cities with demand-driven advisory services on Sustainable planning, Resilience assessment & adaptive risk governance.
  2. To operate as a city-to-city Knowledge Platform, to help exchange good practices between Ukrainian and EU cities, share expertise, and provide technical assistance for Reconstruction Recovery to build back better.
  3. To help implement Ukrainian cities and communities’ vision and strategies, through coordination between key actors, joint financing applications, and technical assistance for project procurement.


European Alliance of cities and regions for the reconstruction of Ukraine



ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap Activities





Representatives from the listed cities were encouraged to express the main challenges that their city is facing, in the context of the current conflict situation. The focus was on specifically three key sectors at the cities’ strategic level and sustainable recovery: energy sector, reconstruction and socioeconomics. Each city has been affected by the war in different ways, with various factors being in place (geographical location, level of vulnerability, etc.). Common challenges for many cities included blackouts/power outages caused by shellings or attacks to the energy infrastructure, contamination of air, soil and water due to the military attacks, limited access to drinking water, and partial damage and/or destruction of residential buildings, businesses, educational and cultural heritage, and various types of infrastructure (energy, water, transport, etc.). Focus on improving the environmental situation was indicated, by applying nature-based solutions for cleaning up rivers and lakes, and reducing in the consumption of energy resources to minimise CO2 emissions.


The suspension of small and medium-sized businesses was also indicated as a major challenge, together with the socio-economic impact of internal displacement. The financing of social projects was indicated as a priority to provide mental health services in rehabilitation centres and help reduce the distribution of education by providing maintenance for shelters and schools.









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